Acho que algumas imagens tomam conta
involuntariamente do nosso espaço interno.
Volta e meia me deparo com suas ondas noturnas...
Melissa Fleming , artista que conheci por acaso, tem ocupado bastante o meu imaginário.
Eu tava andando no Chelsea, numa das inúmeras galerias,
nessa última viagem (mai 2008), e tive a oportunidade de ver essas fotos
na Peer Gallery, NY. Não consigo esquecer a força das imagens
de suas fotos de mar noturno. Ela explora um assunto
que me interessa muito: o invisível.
Ela não é muito conhecida, mas esse último trabalho merece ser visto.
Sentient"The ocean is simultaneously dangerous and beautiful. I was attracted to this duality and began to photograph the waves at night, a time when the ocean feels the most unknown and un-navigable. Although the ocean is physically the same at night as it is in the day, our perception of it changes in the dark. Unable to see the water at night, we feel uncertain of our surroundings. Even photography, a medium of light, captured only the white crash of waves, the lone visible sign of the water in the darkness. The white seemed sentient and in a sense was the mark by which we could know the ocean at night. Waves visualize the power of the ocean and in the black void of night the swirls of white in Sentient hint at that unseen energy we know in our minds to be present."
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