Palestra "O avesso das tecnologias no cinema experimental" Participantes: Karen Mirza e Brad Butler Dia 8 de maio, às 18h Auditório MIS Programa defilmes experimentais de Karen Mirza e Brad Butler Os filmes de Mirza/Butler se caracterizam pelo questionamento dos problemas do tempo, do enquadramento e da presença no cinema. Confira os filmes experimentais que integram a mostra: Non Places, 1999, 15min, preto e branco, som, 16mm / The Space BetweenColour, 2005, 12min, sem som, 16mm / Images I wished I'd Filmed but couldn't......, 2009, 45min, cor e som, vídeo digital
The Autonomous Object?In The Autonomous Object? Mirza and Butler consider conceptual art as a fieldwork strategy that attempts to articulate ‘thinking’ as an ‘object’. Mirza and Butler have collapsed over 35 performances with passerby’s set in India, Pakistan, New York and London into a boxed object. This object contains an invitation to interpret the work in response to: the changing site of each exhibition | the perceived thinking behind the work | and the screens, surfaces and props in each performance. Each film performance returns to the Modernist concerns within ‘Mirror Film’ by Robert Morris (1969) viewed through postmodern concerns that problematise the location of the performance and the issue of authorship. Perceiving both anthropology and art from this direction Mirza and Butler are suggesting new ways of positioning structural film within revisionist anthropology. This playfully questions whether the camera and or/ its subject matter is acting as the agent, mediator and/or the performer as articulated within the language of contemporary art.
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